

Our accredited certification coursework complies with the cognitive guidelines of the AHA®/ECC, ILCOR, and OSHA for community and workplace requirements, although a hands-on component may be required for certain workplaces and situations.*

When will I receive my Hard Card?

After a successful purchase your Hard Card will ship within 24 hours. It usually takes 2-5 business days, but may take up to 10 days.

Is online certification training acceptable?

Yes, training online is a recognized form of training for obtaining your cognitive certification across a wide range of professions, including nurses, dentists, physicians, chiropractors, teachers, foster parents, industrial workers, healthcare professionals, retailers, childcare workers, farmers, security guards, and many others, however, it is ultimately up to your employer or licensing board for workplace requirements. For those who are required to complete a hands-on component or a skills-check, please visit

Can I skip the course and take the exam?

Yes. All persons must thoroughly read their chosen course before making a purchase. We ask for your good faith in reading the classwork in its entirety.

How long is each class?

Classes range from 20 minutes to one hour.

How many questions are on the test?

Each test consists of 12 true, false, or multiple choice questions.

What heppens if I fail the test?

If you fail the test you can always test again, we have unlimited testing.

Do you charge for tests?

No we do NOT charge for testing. All tests and classes are free of charge.

Do I need hands-on training or a blended option?

No, you do NOT need hands-on or blended training for cognitive certification. If your employer or licensing board requires the hands-on component or skills-check, go to

How long is my certification valid for?

Our certifications validity is for 2 years.

Is your certification approved by my employer and/or state?

Since we follow the AHA® and ECC/ILCOR guidelines our certification is acceptable, however, there is no such approvals database of employers. If your employer or licensing board requires a hands-on component or a skills check, please visit

How can I complete a purchase?

Our automated encryption detected 24/7 system is through PayPal’s Purchase Protection Anti-Fraud Technology Coverage for Consumers and Businesses. You can process payment through: MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express, and PayPal.

Can I obtain hands-on traning through CPRHeartCenter?

No. If you’re in need of certification training with a hands-on option please visit:  CPR Near Me.

How can I obtain my certification?

Please check your spam folder, check your device’s firewall settings, visit our verify and download, or email us at [email protected] and we’ll be more than happy to resend it or send it elsewhere.

Looking for your certificate?

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Your certificate can be downloaded at the following page. Please click the button below to continue.

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From 28,521 Reviews
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*Reviews and ratings are from customers who have purchased a certificate and published a review and/or rating at the end of the transaction

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